Registered Massage Therapy (RMT) Services

1. Relaxation Massage
Relaxation massage services are a gentle Swedish massage that uses smooth, gliding strokes and techniques to help you relax. The massage therapist will move at a slower pace and use lighter pressure. In a relaxation massage, there is less emphasis on working out chronic underlying muscle tension — the Adhesions or “knots” and muscle restrictions in the muscle tissue. That’s because deep tissue work can be uncomfortable, and during a relaxation massage you just want to drift away and feel good. In a relaxation massage, the therapist won’t push your limits in order to get the muscle to release. You might even fall asleep! It’s a good choice for someone who is getting a massage for the first time, or someone who just wants to bring their stress level down. Relaxation massages are also good for someone who gets massage services as a special treat once a year. It’s not realistic to expect that you can get rid of all your knots in one massage. But to drift into a deeply relaxed state in fifty minutes — that’s doable!

2. Prenatal Massage
A prenatal or pregnancy massage is a therapeutic treatment that focuses on providing an expectant mother's special needs. Massage therapy performed during pregnancy can reduce anxiety, decrease symptoms of depression, relieve muscle aches and joint pains, and improve labour outcomes and newborn health.

3. Myofascial Release
A myofascial release is a soft tissue treatment that releases tension in the connective tissues (fascia) surrounding the muscles, bones, nerves and organs of the body, loosening up restricted movement which is often tied to muscle pain.

4. Sports Related Injuries
A sports massage is a therapeutic treatment that focuses on physically engaged participants. It is useful in preventing injuries that occur during physical and athletic activities, as well as helping with recovery from injuries that may have already occurred. These sports related injuries are often a result of muscle overuse and exertion, which builds up a lot of tension.

5. Deep Tissue Massage
A deep tissue massage is a slow, pressured technique that is focused on realigning the deepest layers of muscle tissue and facia. This is useful for relieving more chronic muscle aches and pain that are in the inner layers of your muscles.

6. Trigger Point Release
A compression and release treatment of trigger points, which are hyperirritable spots (aka: muscle knots) that can be felt as nodules or taut band within a muscle. Trigger point pain can be localized, referred pain or present as a local twitch response. Trigger point work can help reduce and eliminate this pain be encouraging muscular tissue to return to its relaxed state.

7. Lymph Drainage
A lymphatic (or lymph) drainage is a gentle technique that is used to stimulate and promote the lymph system to move lymph fluid around the body. The lymph system is responsible for maintaining an efficient immune system, fluid metabolism, and proper detoxification. As a result, this treatment helps with swelling, fatigue, soreness, congestion, and even toxin or waste removal.
The pricing list for the above services (#1-7) is shown below:
Session Duration
90 Minutes
75 Minutes
60 Minutes
45 Minutes
30 Minutes
RMT Service Pricing*

8. Cupping TreatmenT
A cupping treatment is an alternative medicine treatment that utilizes glass cups and heat to create suction on the skin. This treatment helps with mobilizing blood flow in order to promote healing and relaxation.
The pricing list for the Cupping Treatment service (#8) is shown below (+$10):
Session Duration
90 Minutes
75 Minutes
60 Minutes
45 Minutes
RMT Service Pricing*

9. Hot Stone Massage
A hot stone massage is an incredibly relaxing treatment that uses a combination of massage techniques with smooth, heated stones placed at key locations on the body. This treatment increases circulation, decreases stiffness and tension, and treats sore, aching muscles.